Frequently Asked Questions:
- How many lights do you have?
- At last count we have over 65,000 lights (65,357 to be exact), however this number changes every year as we continue to make tweaks to the display.
- How long does it take you to put all these lights up?
- I begin on October 1st, and all of October is focused on the roof and trees. In November is when all the items in the yard are setup. In total it takes 70-80 hours to get everything setup.
- How long does it take you to take it all down?
- Taking it down is a whole lot easier than putting it up. I get everything down and put away in a weekend. On average it takes between 15 and 20 hours.
- Why do you do this?
- I do this for one reason only and that is for the kids. We live in a world that forces children to grow up faster than they should and Christmas lights are one of those things that helps us hold on to that childlike wonder.
- How does it all work?
- I use Light-O-Rama (LOR) software to program all the light sequencing. The easiest way to think of it is that each set of lights that blinks in time to music needs to be connected via an extension cord directly back to a specific plug (aka channel) on the LOR control panel.
- How long does it take to make a song?
- The making of the song is the most time consuming part of the process. It takes 10 hours of programming for every one minute of a song, therefore for a four minute song like “All I want for Christmas is you” it took 40 hours to complete.
- How many extension cords do you have?
- I have roughly 16,500 feet of extension cords which is the equivalent of just over three miles worth of cords.